Monthly Archives: October 2016

When Soda Companies Pay the Public Health Bills

Several cities will vote on soda taxes this November, but the beverage industry is doing everything they can to make sure they don’t pass, including giving funding to national health organizations.   Coca-Cola and Pepsi have spent millions on fighting public health interventions that would reduce soda consumption while simultaneously giving millions to public health […]

CHA Workshop: ‘Taking Action Using Data Driven Planning Tools’

The workshop, supported by California Community Foundation, will show participants how to use forecasts to strength grantwriting and demonstrate need for a program or policy. A California Community Foundation grantee will talk about how they’ve used health forecasts to address opportunities and challenges.   If you’d like to register, please contact [email protected] before October 28th.   View the Agenda 

Shrinking Santa Monica

In Measure LV, Santa Monica voters will decide whether to sharply restrict the height of future buildings. While the supporters of LV are coy about it, there is no way to vertically shrink Santa Monica without building fewer homes. And that has costs.   Read Center for Health Advancement Co-Director Dr. Zimmerman’s recent guest post in the […]

Trump’s Missing Tax Dollars Are a Missed Opportunity

Trump took a loss of $916 million dollars in 1995: this we know. He may have avoided paying income tax for the next 18 years: this we suspect. Pundits are focused on what Trump did or didn’t pay, took or didn’t take, gave or didn’t give. I want to know: where might his tax money […]

CHA Director Dr. Fielding on Lowering Prices for Lifesaving Drugs

Center for Health Advancement Director, Dr. Jonathan Fielding, addresses the exorbitant increase in drug prices and suggests several solutions in a recent U.S. News & World Report. Americans pay more for common medicines than most other countries, forcing millions of U.S. consumers to forego filling a doctor’s prescription or to lower their dosage to make the medicine […]